1 String 18 is a switch: 1 means: carriage return and new line characters are specially handled (collapsing); 0 means: no special handling of carriage return or new line 31 String 16 is the maximum file name length for converted files. Use 12 on DOS (8+1+3), 31 on Mac .html String 14 is the file extension for converted files. When files will go to a DOS platform, use .htm instead of .html «» String 12 contains the starting and ending character for macros 1 String #10 is either a 0 or a 1. If 0 the items in the index are sorted on their title. If 1 the items in the index are sorted on original file name, and leading digits or spaces are stripped from file names in menus. #*+-/_ String #8 contains characters to be ignored when scanning for title Index String #6 is title in top level index file index.html String #4 is name of top level index file MOSS String #2 is creator of output files